Finding the cheapest first class flights for your destination is the best. Nothing makes you feel more like a VIP than the lavish treatment, fully flat-lying seats, premium food and drink, and exceptional services that come with flying first class. Dedicated check-in, exclusive lounges, and fast-tracked boarding are just a few of the first class perks afforded to first class travelers on the ground. Some airlines will even provide special limo services to and from the airport!

Simply put, once you fly first class, you’ll never want to go back and once you learn how to get discounted first class tickets, you’ll want to fly first class every time you fly!

How To Get Cheap First Class Flights?


This all sounds wonderful, but you might be wondering if paying first class ticket prices is worth it. How do I find the cheapest first class flights online? With just a little bit of effort, you can get discounted first class airline tickets to just about anywhere in the world. It’s not a fantasy! Discerning travelers who spend the time to find the best first class ticket prices not only get treated like superstars from the moment they set foot in the airport, but they know they saved a ton of money too!

How to Book the Cheapest First Class Flights

How to Find the Cheapest First Class Flights Online

The first thing you will want to do when you decide to book your flight is to seek out the help of a specialized agency that is highly experienced in finding luxury tickets on the cheapest first class flights. Agencies such as these have negotiated deals and developed relationships with airline ticket providers, ensuring deep discounts for their customers that won’t be found on any online flight-search database, guaranteeing the cheapest first class flights possible.

When you book your tickets is another thing to bear in mind. By this, we mean how far in advance from your date of departure you should book, what day of the week you purchase the ticket, and what day of the week you want to travel on. The handy infographic below breaks down when is the best time to buy airline tickets so that you truly can learn how to get cheap first class airline tickets to wherever you want to go.

how to get cheap first class flights

Another great way to find the cheapest first class flights is to check alternate airports. Caz and Craig Makepeace of the Ytravel Blog have some wonderful advice in this respect:

If there is more than one airport near your origin or final destination, check them both before making your flight booking. The more options you have in terms of airports and travel dates, the more likely you will be able to find the best deals on airfare. And consider multi-city flights as a strategy to save money.

IMPORTANT: Ensure you know where the airport is situated in relation to your accommodation and before you book your tickets. We messed up once and discovered I was flying into an airport much further away from the city centre. It cost me extra to pay for a bus into the city centre and a lot more in time than simply flying direct to the main airport.

Some other things to consider when you start looking for the cheapest first class flights are to avoid major holiday periods, use different airlines instead of round trips with the same airline, and to choose flights with longer layovers, which can actually be quite wonderful since you will have access to the first class lounges! Armed with this knowledge, you’ll actually get those cheap first class flights you’ve been hearing about, flying in luxury and style for a fraction of the regular cost!

So don’t waste a minute more of your time! Cheap first class flights are just a few clicks away! Ask us how we can help you find discounted first class tickets to your destination and we’ll be more than happy to help make it happen! It’s what we do best!

Get the Cheapest First Class Flights!