Business class flights can be great for frequent travelers. Sure, if you fly often enough, it’s inevitable that you’ll encounter annoying passengers and unexpected delays, but at least business class comes with more than a few extra perks.

Many people hate flying, many people love flying, and many people just look at flying as just another thing to do. We can all agree, however, that uncomfortably flying next to an annoying person on a long flight is not that great. And the longer the flight, the more annoying these little irritations become.

Taking business class flights to Europe can allow you to enjoy yourself during these long flights. Even better, you’ll be much more rested when you land than some of your fellow passengers. Flying to Paris — which 70 million people do a year at a combined cost of about $30 million — in-between screaming babies and seat-kicking toddlers can be pretty stressful. Flying business class to Paris can be a breeze.

Here are just a few benefits of business class flights.

Get Work Done While Flying
It’s called business class for a reason, and for many people, their job never really ends. If you’re never really “off the clock,” then business class flights keep you connected no matter your altitude. Maybe you’re flying business class to Rome for a big presentation or need to review emails mid-flight. When you upgrade, you can work as much or as little as you want without being distracted and interrupted.

Total Relaxation
Just because you can accomplish work in business class doesn’t mean you have to. Take a break whenever you want and enjoy some delicious complimentary food, drinks, and high quality entertainment. These flights can be so long that it’s nearly impossible to work nonstop on your laptop anyway. You’re going to need a break or two, and there is no better way of taking a break in the sky than with some wine, snacks, and a fun movie.

More Spacious and Comfortable
Worrying about the size of your bag can make any trip stressful. Worrying about the size of your seat is downright painful. But there is much more space available in business class for both you and your bags. Comfort shouldn’t be a luxury aboard an airplane, but that’s the world we live in.

So, kick back, relax, get some work done (if you so wish), and wait for your wonderful flight to be over.